Membership and benefits
When you are a member of a labour union, you protect your rights at work, and you are part of an organisation that works to forward your interests. Insurances and other benefits are also included through the program called LOfavør.
Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees – Theatres and Scenes (FTS) organises employees, freelancers and self-employed in the performing arts industry. Our members are technicians, administrative and artistic staff in performing arts institutions, freelancers, self-employed, students and apprentices. All the members are part of the performing arts industry in Norway.
Do you questions about membership? Do not hesitate to contact us at: post.104@fagforbundet.org
Below, you can read more about why you should be a member of FTS
Your shop stewards and union representatives (tillitsvalgte)
Every member has the right to get help from their shop steward and the union when it comes to their rights at work. This is one of the most important benefits of being a member of the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (Fagforbundet).
Shop stewards monitor and ensure that laws, regulations and collective agreements are followed. They also represent the members in negotiations or conflicts with the employer. If a member needs help or has questions about issues concerning work, he/she will always have someone to turn to. Members of the same workplace are organized in a local club that democratically elects a Chief shop steward (Hovedtillitvalgt). Members who are not part of a club, such as individual members at a workplace or freelancers, can contact union representatives in FTS directly.
This is how a membership in FTS ensures that your rights in working life are safeguarded.
Promoting your interests
Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees is Norway’s biggest union. As a member, you have a strong organization behind you that works to ensure you and your colleagues a fair wage and good working conditions. One of our key tasks is to negotiate collective agreements and fair wages. We also assist members who need help with matters concerning their working conditions.
FTS works with political issues that affect working life and the cultural sector. We participate in hearings organised by the authorities, f ex The Ministry of Culture. We also address key arenas and the media on both national and regional issues. Through these means we attempt to influence important processes of decision-making that affect our members and their workplaces.
FTS represents employees in many different professions. We also create professional networks and development opportunities. We offer courses, lectures and workshops for members. Members can also apply for economic support through the Trade Union scholarship. FTS can also provide economic support for courses and projects.
In this way, membership in FTS contributes to professional pride and recognition of the value of all the various professions and disciplines that exist in the field of the performing arts.
Your insurances and LOfavør
As a member, you are covered by several insurance schemes and have access to all the benefits of LOfavør. Your membership includes:
Travel insurance through Sparebank 1 for only NOK 95 per month. If you are a freelancer, it insures amongst other things occupational property and business travel.
As a member, you are covered by the benefit program LOfavør.
This is how the membership in the FTS ensures you the best insurance offers and a program that you benefit from both privately and professionally.
Last but not least: As a member of the FTS, you stand together with colleagues throughout the whole of Norway in the fight for a good and safe working life!